We were able to take a little mini vacay to Branson the 2nd week in Feb. We were so blessed to have someone set us up with a place to stay. It was SUCH a relaxing week . Nate and I both commented that we hadn't been that relaxed in a long time. We enjoyed time with the kids. My parents came along so we were able to visit with them. Mom and I even got to do some shopping at the outlet mall and enjoyed a "big girl" lunch together. On Wednesday, Nate's bday, we woke up to snow everywhere and still falling fast. We spent most of the day inside, staying warm, playing games and eating ..oh the eating. That night we ventured out to..EAT. haha! We stayed one more day before heading home on Friday.
We thought we needed that week as a rest from the weeks before... it was more of a chance to stop and catch our breath, get a swig of water and run headfirst back into the game!
Our calender has had us so busy. If Nate's not at a meeting then I am. We just wave to each other as we pass in the doorway!
Along with having crazy schedules we have had some personal trials and multiple loss in our extended family. It's one thing to deal with emotional issues, but it's been so crazy and so hard hitting I feel like I haven't truly got to grieve and process one event before another one hits! Not to mention our schedules have simply not allowed us to sit down and take inventory of our emotions. I'm a little afraid to slow down as I feel that when I do all of these things will slam into me. You know how when someone is driving and suddenly brakes and the car behind them rear ends them. I don't know whether to keep speeding along and maybe it will never catch up, should I try and turn and "lose" them or just brace myself for impact..?
I am so grateful to be surrounded by people and friends who are lifting me up. I love that the people in my life are not just praying that my prayers be answered. They aren't praying that things work out for me and my family. They are praying that God's truth prevail in my life, that his Word guides me and brings life to all my flesh.
I know that God allows us to face trials and to be pressed and squeezed so that we can identify the impurities and get them out. Sometimes it takes a trial to realize those things are there.
Or sometimes, it's like Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, who wire tied up and thrown into the fiery furnace because they wouldn't bow to a false God. They were tied up...yet they were seen walking around in the fire ... there ropes were burned off! God allows the trials so that the ties that bind us can be destroyed. The fire is HOT but it brings ultimate freedom.
Thank you Beth Moore and the "Daniel" study for that analogy.
The other thing we learned through that study is this :
Consider 3 different scenarios when people of God face a fiery trial:
A. We can be delivered from the fire. ( We are spared in completely)
dividend? Our faith is built.
B. We can be delivered through the fire. ( we go through it, but come out not even smelling of smoke)
dividend? Our faith is refined.
C.We can be delivered by the fire straight into His arms. ( Our flesh is destroyed by it and we are with Jesus)
Dividend? Our faith is perfected.
.... I know that my time on earth isn't up so it isn't option c. And it's pretty obvious that option A is no longer a possibility.
So... refine me Lord!